Roman Jumps ----------- This is a defense against a weak two preempt in a major. A jump shows a game-going hand with 5-5 in the suit and the other major. Examples: Opponent You 2H 4C shows clubs and spades 2S 4D shows diamonds and hearts Other partnerships may play a Roman Jump shows 5-5 in the suit bid and the suit above it. (Thus 4C over 2H would show clubs and diamonds). ******************************************************************** (My idea:) You could incorporate Roman Jumps and a direct cue bid to show all 5-5 hands: Over weak 2(major): jump = suit + other major cue = both minors Over weak 2(minor): jump = suit + other minor cue = both majors Examples: Opponent You 2H 4C clubs and spades 2H 4D diamonds and spades 2H 3H clubs and diamonds 2S 4C clubs and hearts 2D 3D hearts and spades 2D 3H hearts and clubs 2D 3S spades and clubs